#Kushions are "The Ladies that have something worth holding onto"

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Jajuan aka BlueSkillz

Height:  5’7″
Measurements: 38DD- 27-44
Hometown: Denver,CO
Currently Reside: Denver,CO
Ethnic Background: African American/Mexican/Cuban

Twitter: www.twitter.com/blueskillz
Facebook: www.Facebook.com/blueskillz6
Myspace: www.myspace.com/blueskillz6
Website: www.HotJSpot.com and www.Stallionmodels.com

How were you discovered?

I was discovered through a local sports radio station in Denver. They were looking for promotional models. I entered a contest and was selected.

What inspired you to pursue modeling? And what obstacles have you dealt with since you began?

I’ve always wanted to model, but it was difficult because there was one category of modeling which was high fashion modeling. For High Fashion Modeling, you have to be both tall and very lean. So I never really pursued it. Then later down the line I began to see models with curves getting lead roles in music videos, covers in magazines, and I though maybe I can do this.  An obstacle that I have to deal with is making sure that I am in shape. People think that just because you have a big butt, or a large chest that you can do urban glamor modeling. That is NOT true. You still have to be in shape. It’s hard work!

You have a gorgeous face and an outstanding figure, where do your curves and features come from and how do you stay in shape?

Thank you! My curves come from my mother’s side of the family. All of the women are very voluptuous and curvy. My features are a cross between my African American and Hispanic background. I stay in shape by working out 4-5 days a week. I do a lot of running/cardio and weight training. I also try to watch what I eat.

Which of your features attract the most attention?

That’s a tough one, but I get more comments about my smile than any other physical feature.

What kind of shoots/work do you enjoy the most?

I enjoy photo shoots outdoors with a theme. I love the outdoors because nothing captures true beauty like natural light.

Your popularity is spreading can you tell us some of your credits to date?

Urban Curves Magazine
VBlazin Magazine
FBM Magazine
ONETEN Magazine
OMIGAWD 2010 Calender
Stunnaz Magazine (Cover April 2010)
Stunnaz Magazine (Oct 2010)
Along with several online features

You are managed by Stallion Management, Elke The Stallion’s company, what’s it like to be a part of her stable of models?

It has been fantastic! I have nothing but love for all of the Stallion Models. We’re like a  family. Elke is a legend in this industry. She is a a very intelligent business woman and I am so happy to have someone like her in my corner. She has taught me so much!

Do you have any tattoos or piercings? If so what do your tattoos mean?

Yes I do I have a few piercings and 3 tattoos. One of my tattoo is my name. the others are just designs. Looking to get one more!

Models are taught to exude confidence and composure, but have you ever been afraid or nervous before a shoot?

Sometimes before a shoot I may get a little nervous especially if I am working with a new photographer. However as soon as I step in from of that camera, it all just goes away. I’m like a light switch.

People would be surprised to know that __________?

I have a tiny voice.

What advice can you offer to a young lady looking to follow in your footsteps?

I would say you have to have a plan. Figure out what exactly you are trying to accomplish in this business in the long run. Never forget that this is a business, so I suggest taking some time to learn as much as you can about it.

You’ve got front row tickets to see your favorite artist. Who is it and why?

Another tough question… I would love to see Tre Songz, Donnell Jones, or Raheem  DeVaughn

Your favorite getaway spot?

I LOVE Costa Rica!

How does Hip Hop music impact your daily life and your work? Whats your favorite song of the moment?

I feel that Urban Glamor modeling and Hip Hop go Hand in Hand. This industry was built on Hip Hop. My favorite Hip Hop song of the moment is “Fancy” By Drake f/T.I.  and Swizz Beatz

What are your turnons?

Confidence, a beautiful smile, a great sense of humor, intelligence, and spirituality.  Also being active (working out, playing recreational sports etc) and has strong family values. All Major turnons!

What are your turnoffs?

I can not stand rudeness. I am turned off by liars, jealousy and insecurity, body odor and bad breath.

What’s the craziest thing a fan has done to get your attention?

It’s pretty gross so I’d rather not say! LOL

Who have you enjoyed working with the most? And name someone you would love to work with?

I can not just pin point one person so I’ll name a few. I always enjoy working with James Rich, Nureign, Da RealSafado,and Torriam. Wow and there are so many more. A few people I would love to work with  are Facet Studios, Del Anthony,  Slick Force, and Mya Guez.

I’ve noticed that modeling makes many ladies very image conscious, how do you maintain your confidence through it all?

The key to my confidence is that I truly know who I am.  I also  surround myself with positive and honest people that have my best interest at heart. That makes all the difference in the world.

What should we expect to see you doing in the near future?

I will be doing more magazine features, some DVD projects, hosting events across the country, and much much more! The sky is the limit! :o)

Any parting words or people you would like to thank?

I would first like to thank Kush DVD for taking the time to feature me. It truly means a lot! I would also like to thank my fans for being so supportive. There is so much more to come!

Please send all booking inquiries to:
Booking @Stallionmodels.com Also be sure to check out my Hot Personal website http://www.HotJspot.com I’d like to give a BIG Shout out to Elke The Stallion and all of the Stallion Models, Superman of Stunnaz Magazine, Photographers James Rich, Nureign , DaRealSafado, Torriam, CE Wiley, Shawn Darnell, and C.J. Clark

